Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Here's a good one, via DemVet. Not only is this guy young and stupid, he's also a fucking idiot:

On Jesus General's Operation: Yellow Elephant:

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The group was obviously fraudulent. There are specific military rules banning partisan political activities during enlistment. Plus, a Google search shows that no such group really existed. Liberals have no sense of humor, which frankly is why they cannot win elections. (But then again, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to the military rounding up certain Democrats in our society and taking them to labor camps...if nothing else, this would aid the military in doing their job).

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It's called satire, dickweed. I haven't been a hippie for close to 30 years, but this little twit must've read a history book once:

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Well, this morning, I received numerous emails from various liberal pot-smoking hippies around the country who were amused at the exchange of emails. (Why were they not at work? Well we all know that answer). Here are a few selections:

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Although I am liberal and pot smoking, though I think this clown's done his share:

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Leftist hippies are the real threat to America - these "domestic terrorists" wish to destroy our country. They hope to remove everything we stand for. They strive the adoption of French as our national language and the forced conversion of the country to Islam.

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We're pot smoking hippies, we don't want to force anything. In fact, I want a couple Oreos.

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Obviously these hippies would rather support a draft dodger (both Bill Clinton and Howard Dean) than members of the current Bush administration who have extensive military careers.

They are calling us "hypocrites" for the supposed support of a war...but refusing to join the military. Does this even make sense? Since when do I have to support my political stances with physical action. I believe in tougher testing standards for children in schools, but you don't seem me going to become a test writer for the Education Testing Service. Following this round of logic....if these people thing abortion is so great, how come they don't all sign up to be abortion doctors? Because it doesn't make sense!

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Extensive military careers. Rummy. That's it. I guess it's good to be 20-something and know everything. But he does support the troops:

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I do support the troops and I support their efforts to defend America. I support military action wherever it takes us when the cause is good and just. I am a proud American. If I was asked by my country to join the military in order to preserve these great traditions we share, I would do so in a heartbeat. I salute those men and women who do make the choice to serve in the armed forces and will always continue to be a strong supporter of their efforts.

"If I was asked . . ." Shit, son, Army recruiting's down 40%. They ain't asking, they're screaming.